Pathfinder @ Cydonia
A petition from an individual US Citizen to the congress to have NASA explore
the Cydonia region on Mars, with
Mars Pathfinder and surface rover Sojourner.
To the Congress of the United States of America
Based on statements made by NASA /JPL officials that state that the Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft called Mars Global Surveyor may not be able convey clear
definitive images of the enigmatic structures contained with in the Cydonia region.
Thus furthering the already 2 decade long debate as to the artificiality of the
Cydonia enigmatic structures. I, a US citizen/taxpayer that paid for this 2nd
mission to Mars called Pathfinder which is a surface lander spacecraft, request
that Pathfinder and its surface rover Sojourner land in
the Cydonia region on Mars and fully explore Cydonia to Sojourner's fullest
capabilities and provide us real time, live data and clear conclusive images of the
structures in question in the Cydonia region in conjunction with images provided
from the Mars orbiter spacecraft: Mars Global Surveyor.
PRINT NAME: I_____________________________________________a US
citizen, petition the Congress of the United States of America to uphold and
commit to Public Law 85-568 National Aeronautics and Space Act, Objective 1
and request that the Mars surface lander spacecraft called
Pathfinder land or set down in the region on Mars known as Cydonia. Then with
the surface rover Sojourner explore the Cydonia region to sojourner's fullest
capabilities and bring back to humanity and US citizens live feed, real time data /
images of the face and other enigmatic structures in the Cydonia region on Mars
and implement the recommendations of the McDaniel report with regards to the
releasing of the data / images and provide the necessary funding for the
recommendations to be implemented by NASA.
Signed:______________________________________ Date: ____--____--____.
Address: ____________________________________
Send to :
Aaron Johnson,
PO Box 339,
1632 S Pacific Coast Hwy,
Redondo Beach, Ca, 90277,
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WebCounter. Page started 27 August, 1996. Come on!
Let's rack up those hits and show those NASA *#$!"&* a thing or two!